In a contemporary world connected through global frameworks, it's time to reevaluate the nature of religious texts.

As intended in it's purest form, religion was meant to forge a global alliance of goodwill and common humanity by encouraging diverse tribes to work together.  However, the creation of hierarchies and religious clergies converted religious texts  into tools of divisions and blanket judgments.

In a contemporary world connected through global frameworks, it's time to reevaluate the nature of religious texts to understand the underlying importance of common good.  The first book in a series deconstructing the texts of the Qur'an without the interjection of religious scholarship, this book delves into the issue of accepting faith without being bound to ritual.  Reviewing only the first two surahs of the Qur'an, this book focuses on peeling back the layers of complex undertones and context behind each verse, in an effort to empower the reader to do the same.

Religion is part of a larger social construct which defines and regulates our ways of life, our purpose for existence and coexistence with other human beings.  We are also part of the natural world with which we are intimately connected to and depend on for sustenance and quality of life.  Qur’an itself evolving through 23 years of revelations defines faith, good work and governance of our lives that resonate profoundly with our innate senses, physical laws and spiritual aspirations.  Let’s explore this book together from a human perspective, rather than from religious perspective and see how this book builds on previous books of revelations confirming unity of faith and unity of purpose for all of us..