Volume 4: Personal Accountability
This fourth volume of Removing the Middleman Series continues the journey into deconstructing the text of the Qur'an and peeling back the layers of complex undertones and contexts and empowering the readers to do the same. Discussing eighth through eleventh chapters of the Qur'an, this volume brings home a fundamental tenet of Islam and of human life - personal accountability that should follow faith, freedom of choice and social consciousness.
Volume 4 has published and is now available for purchase from either Amazon or MyLLife for an autographed copy.
One should arrive at faith based on free choice and not based on where you are born or who you parents are. Faith cannot be coerced into someone, and without a free choice and a conscious choice at that, faith remains impaired and cannot fully express itself. Faith without a sense of personal responsibility and accountability is also a recipe for corruption and abuse of faith that has been witnessed in all major religions. Lack of such accountability had certainly led to serious repercussions in Christianity and proceeded many of its reformations in fifteenth century by people like Martin Luther and John Calvin. Such distortions are being witnessed in many Muslims countries and societies that allowed terrorists organizations to proliferate and autocrats to take hold. Our social stability and social justice depend on such personal accountability with respect to one another as well as to God. While in afterlife, accountability will be non-negotiable, here on earth we have to develop systems and social norms that put such personal accountability at the core of our civilization in the 21st century. The current excess in wall street profiteering while ignoring main street wellbeing is another example of lack of personal and social accountability in our financial and economic system.