Ramadan Reflection

Ramadan Reflection #20

Reorient yourself to faith that is upright, resembling the nature of God in which He created mankind. There should be no alteration in God’s creation – the right faith (be preserved), but most people seem ignorant. (30:30) – what is the true nature of human existence? Our affirmation of faith in God and our human goodness to everyone and everything that we come in contact with. Truth and justice to be restored constantly, every time we fail ourselves individually and collectively

Ramadan Reflection #19

God made him (mankind) complete and breathed into him of His spirit, and gave you ears, eyes and hearts – yet, you give thanks but little! (32:9) – what does being thankful means? It is to use God-given senses and intellect to direct our efforts and pursuits towards truth and justice and to benefit all of humanity, while taking care of ourselves and our loved ones.

Ramadan Reflection #18

Evil of corruptions has appeared on land and on sea based on activities propagated by human beings that God may make them taste the consequences of what they have done. Perhaps they will reassess (their conducts) (30:41) – political corruption, social and economic injustice, profiteering, racial and gender inequity, pollutions, deforestations, rise of atheism, mistreatment of cows and chicken in cages to feed consumers hooked to fast and unhealthy food, etc. are just some of many examples of our contemporary rise in corrupt behavior that feed our animal instincts and diminish our human spirit. We need to rethink our priorities and reestablish our human purpose.

Ramadan Reflection #17

“And when he (Moses) attained his maturity and become firmly established, We [God] granted him knowledge and wisdom. This is how We bless those who are good and virtuous.” (28:14) – what is knowledge and what is wisdom? Can you have wisdom without knowledge? Does knowledge always lead to wisdom?

Ramadan Reflection #16

“Who originates the creation, and then reproduces it? Who gives sustenance from the heavens and the earth? Is there a deity besides God? (say) Bring your proof, if you speak the truth.” (27:64) – In our contemporary world, atheism is on the ascent and threatens the very foundation of a God-centric world view, sometimes aided by those who claim faith but do evils in the name of faith.

Ramadan Reflection #15

Prayer of Solomon: He (Solomon) wondered at the word of the ant, smiled and then prayed to God: “O my Sustainer God, grant me that I may be grateful, for the blessing that you had showered on me and my parents, that I may do good that will please You, and admit me, by your mercy, to be among the righteous.” (27:19) – being thankful for what we have, aspiring to be good and to do good – are fundamental to our mental and spiritual wellbeing. How often we forget such basic teachings of the Qur’an?

Ramadan Reflection #14

“Give full measure and be not of those who diminish, and weigh with a just balance. Wrong not others of what is due to them and do not act corruptly on the land, making mischief. Be mindful of God Who created you and your previous generations” (26:181-184) – our financial, economic and political systems are becoming increasing corrupt, disproportionately and negatively impacts the poor and the minorities, and fails to protect the earth. Think of our public corporations giving 100% of profit to shareholders while failing to give living wages to essential workers, lying by politicians has become the open currency and abuse of minorities by majority, even in countries that claim to be democratic, let alone the authoritarian regimes across the globe is becoming more common.

Ramadan Reflection #13

Abraham, father of the three monotheistic religions – Islam, Christianity and Judaism, defines God and his relationship with God this way – “God, the Sustainer of the World - Who created me and shows me the way; Who gives me to eat and to drink; when I am sick, He heals me; Who will cause me to die and then give me my life back; Whom I hope will forgive me my shortcomings and mistakes on the Day of Judgment; My God, grant me wisdom and count me among the righteous.” (26:78-83) – How does our faith in God defines our day to day activities, pursuits and aspiration?

Ramadan Reflection #12

There is no living being on this planet except that its sustenance is with God. He knows their residences and their accomplishments—all are documented in full detail. (11:6) – we are worried about how we come across on social media but what about our profile with God? Are we being true and faithful with God? Is our conduct true to our human nature or driven by our selfish desires? Are we treating others the way we would like to be treated?

Ramadan Reflection #11

Say: O people, truth has indeed been conveyed to you from your Sustainer God. Now whoever seeks and follows the true guidance, does it for his or her own good and whoever commits evils, does it to his or her own peril. I am (as a prophet) not responsible for your conducts! (10:108) – our freedom of choice needs to be guided by our innate sense of responsibility but also with accountability to God and to fellow human beings.